Session 6: Reviewing the Mystery of the Trinity

The Holy Trinity is a mystery of our faith. Even in an entire lifetime, we will not understand fully understand

the concept. 

Because Jesus, the Son of God, became man, we understand God the Father better through him. 

We learn about the The Holy Spirit from Jesus as well. In the video Mrs. Christie uses candles to help 

you gain a better understanding of the mystery of the Holy Trinity.  


 Jesus, who is God the Son, teaches us about God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.


At the moment of Jesus's baptism, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit were revealed

at the same time. God the Father spoke: “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” Also, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove.  


Read: Mark 1:9-11

This video clip re-enacts the scene where Jesus is baptized.  

Think about it: 

Who in my life reflects the compassion and kindness of Jesus? 

How does my knowledge of the life of Jesus reveal what God the Father is like to me? 


The Holy Spirit is at work in your life, giving you the gifts you need to do God’s work in the world. That work

might be defending a peer who is being bullied, or helping an elderly neighbor.  


Assignment: Draw a picture or write a few sentences describing how the Holy Spirit gave you the 

strength to do something good for others. Take a photo of your work and upload it to this lesson

in your Level 5 Google Classroom.  


  1. The Holy Spirit gave me strength to take some of my birthday money and buy toys for kids that don’t have any. My grandmother purchased a shipping container that we filled with toys we bought and other items to ship to Puerto Rico. It felt good to use my money and pick out toys myself. Isabel Sanchez level 5

  2. My mom reflects compassion and kindness like Jesus because she is always putting other people first and trying to think of ways to help other people.

  3. I want to talk bout a way my friend used the holy spirit to save me. We were on the playground at school and I was about to fall off . My friend reached and grabbed me and almost fell off himself. He would have gotten hurt with me. He put my safety before his to help me. I think this is an act of God.

    1. Thank you for sharing Jake. I think your friend's selfless act was inspired by the Holy Spirit living within his heart.

  4. My friend reflects compassion and kindness like Jesus because he always tries his best to help people if they need and is very kind and selfless. - Brendan Schoenhaar Level 5

  5. Who in my life reflects the compassion and kindness of Jesus?
    My grandma reflects compassion and kindness. She always helps me and my family. She is patient, loving and sweet. She never gets angry or mad at us.

    How does my knowledge of the life of Jesus reveal what God the Father is like to me?
    God the Father guides me in my daily life. I remember what Jesus tells me when I make decisions.
    - Charlotte Johnson

  6. The Holy Spirit gives me the strength to have patience for my little sister. I often help her with her homework and cleaning up after herself daily even when I am tired or simply do not want to.
    ~Kate Baillargeon

  7. The Holy Spirit gives me the strength to help others. I helped collect clothing and toys to donate to charity. I also helped get a lot of donations for a local pet shelter. I raked leaves for a local church too. All of these things made me feel happy and helpful.
    Nicholas Goldsmith

  8. The Holy Spirit gives me the power to help others and being kind to others. Me and my family donate clothes and toys the people in need. This makes me feel good. - Charlotte Bishop

  9. The holy Spirit gives me the power to work hard and help others

  10. by Billy Eisfeld the holy spirit gives me the power
    to help my family and Friends

  11. The holy spirit gives me the power to help others

  12. These comments are wonderful! Thank you everyone.

  13. My parents reflect the compassion and kindness of Jesus. Our family collects food and goods to give to the pantry at the church. I collect clothing and items for others in need. This year, I collected coats from all of my family for the coat drive. I bake doggie treats and sell them. I donate some of the money I make to an animal rescue to help care for the dogs.

  14. Using the money I had left over from the pumpkin sale at my school I helped purchase a pumpkin for my classmate who forgot her money that day- Sophia Ritter level 5

  15. The Holy Trinity gives me the strength to help my little sisters when they need help.

  16. The Holy Trinity give me the strength to help my baby sisters when they are not getting along. The Holy Trinity gives me the strength to make the God like choice when helping them work out there fight. Loudon Gentner


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