Highlights from 2021 Confirmation Sponsor Reports

Over 90 Level 9 students will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this spring. Here are some of the wonderful pictures that students shared in their Sponsor reports:

  Love this video by Brady Smith about his Confirmation Sponsor...

Here are some things students wrote about their  Confirmation Sponsors: 

Zac Teufel wrote this about his sponsor, his Uncle David: 

My Uncle David is a perfect example of a role model...There are an infinite amount of words to describe how amazing and influential of a person my Uncle is. While I wish I could leave you a list, It would do no where near the amount of justice he deserves. I know that while there are plenty of people who could lead me through the upcoming journey of my faith, there is only one person who can lead me in the most prosperous direction. The direction that will steer me down the path that strengthens my relationship with God the most. This person is someone who I am proud to be related to. Someone I am proud to call my Uncle.


Quinn Carroll wrote: I have chosen my grandfather Frank Mills to be my Confirmation sponsor.  I chose my grandfather because he is influential in all that I do in my life.  My grandpa is a man of very strong faith.  His devotion to being a good catholic means a lot to me.  He shows what it means to spread the word of God in everything that he does.  He is selfless, helps me,  and others in any way he can.  He believes in me even when I give up on myself.  He pushes me to be a better young man.   He has taught me  that even when things don't feel right or fair that God is always sending a message.  That I need to learn from them and grow.  


Thomas Vermaelen wrote about his sponsor, his brother Patrick: Patrick has a deep faith and we pray together. Patrick is more open about his faith. His favorite devotion is the sign of the cross. It’s a simple act but it reminds me of God’s love for me. 


Fiona Cuesta wrote:

 I chose my grandma because I love her. We are close and like to have girls' days! She has 

influenced me to do better in school. Before Covid hit we used to go to church together. My 

grandma is a hard worker and she is very smart! My grandma is religious and she is a good 


