Session 9: Lent

Today we are going to learn about the liturgical season of Lent. This brief and clever video introduces us to the liturgical season of Lent using Legos as props.

Bad habits and selfishness can stop our spiritual growth, so we are unable to produce the good fruit of love, sharing and forgiveness growing in us. Lent prepares us for Holy Week, which includes (the Triduum and Easter Sunday). The Triduum are days of prayer from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday.

Parents and students read: John 15:1-5.  On a piece of paper, draw a tree, with several deep roots. On each of the roots, list a way you could try to deepen your life of prayer during Lent. (Some ideas are pray the Rosary/Attend Stations of the Cross on Fridays/read the Bible often/attend Mass/pray in the morning and evening)


Think About It: God wants to help you and to guide you throughout life. How much does God love us? Let’s take a look in the Bible to find out.

Parents and students read: Romans 8:31-32, 34 


Think About It: What does this reading tell us about God? (Answers will vary) 

In this Scripture reading, God is faithful. God loves us so much that he did not spare His own Son. During Lent, Jesus is our prime example of unselfishness. During Lent, we are challenged to examine how we can be more like Jesus. 

When we grow in holiness, we see the Fruits of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Watch the following video to learn more:


Instead of a digital worksheet or Exit Ticket, please share your answer to the following question (with the help of a parent) in a comment below or attached to this lesson in your Level 4 Google Classroom.

During this Lenten season, describe a new habit will you put in place to deepen your prayer life and grow more FAITHFUL.


  1. We will pray more . We went to church and will try to go more often.

  2. I can work harder at making sure I pray each night before I go to bed. Also, I will work on trying to get to Mass more often.

  3. I can think more about what God would do in situations that make me upset. I can pray more and talk to God more.

  4. I will go to church more and pray more. I pray when I am upset but I will pray when I am happy too.

  5. I will pray more and be more kinder.

  6. I will pray more and remember god is with me always. His spirit is with me.

  7. I will try to be nicer and go to church more.

  8. I will include god more in my life. And i will pray a lot more.

  9. Pray more at dinner and go to mass more

  10. I will pray more to show the faithfulness in me

  11. Pray at dinner and pray when you go to bed also to be faithful is to be confident.

  12. We will attend church more - Camilla

  13. I will go to church more often

  14. I will go to church more

  15. Sienna and Savannah we will pray more and give to church more often


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