Session 9: The Good News

Jesus came to share the Good News that God the Father loves us and saves us from the power

of sin and death.  Our mission as Catholics is to share that Good News throughout life through words

and actions. Let's learn more about The Good News. Watch:

The word “Gospel” means “good news.”  There are four Gospels in the New Testament. Let’s take a

look. (With the help of a parent, turn to the 4 Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the

New Testament.)  

These are the most important Books in the Bible because they focus on Jesus. Readings from the

Bible are also called “Scripture.” 

Jesus taught his followers about God the father using short stories that related to everyday life.

These short stories are also called parables.

Parents:Read one of Jesus’ parables to describe The Kingdom of God: Mark 4:30-32 (The Mustard Seed) 


Next, read Mt. 17:20 (The mustard seed symbolizes faith in God) When faith in God grows,

a world of peace, love and justice grows. 

Faith Vocabulary:

Kingdom of God: the world of love, peace and justice that is in Heaven and is still being built on Earth. 

Miracle: something that cannot be explained by science, but happens by the power of God. 

Parable: a short story Jesus told about everyday life to teach something about God. 

Gospel: a word that means “Good News.” The Gospel message is the Good News of God’s Kingdom

and his saving love. 

Activity: With the help of a parent, please answer the questions in this:

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