Session 6: Holy Week & Easter


Did you know that Easter Sunday is the day we celebrate that Jesus conquered death and 

made a place for us in heaven with his Father, God?

For a treat, our retired Director of Religious Education, Pat Bartoldus, reads the story Hosanna & Alleluia to us. There is no Exit Ticket for this lesson. Enjoy the story, (in three parts), and remember to continue to go to Mass.   

Hosanna and Alleluia, the story of Palm Sunday, The Last Supper and The Resurrection:



  1. in the part alleluia when jesus died he went on the cross also remember part they had a meal

  2. We learned that Hosana means Praise .

  3. Maximus learned that learned that soldiers hung Jesus on the cross and then put in a tomb and rolled a big boulder in front. But then next the boulder was rolled away an angel came and said that Jesus isn’t dead and tell everyone. Every said hallelujah

  4. Scarlett loved the story about food and drink reminds her of people and jesus and is looking forward to her own communion.

  5. Dylan learned that the soldiers hung Jesus on the cross. He also liked the part where he took care of his friends.


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