Session 10: St. Paul Teaches Care of Creation

We pray to Mary to help us look at the world with wisdom so that we can understand how to care for God’s creation. This year we reflected on the idea that we are called by God to be stewards of the earth. St. Paul talks about how we, working together, can each use our talents and unique abilities to bring about God's kingdom on Earth. In one of his letters to the people in the ancient city of Corinth, which is near Athens, Greece, St. Paul compares Baptized Christians to parts of a body.

Read: 1Corinthinans 12:12-27


This first video, which contains puppets, is both informative AND amusing. 

"Puppet" St. Paul explains to the people of Corinth the idea that the Church is part of the body 

of Christ. 

Think about it: 

  • If, as Catholics, we make up the Body of Christ, what can we do to reflect the love 

    of Jesus in the world?

  • Who is the “head” of the body? 

  • Can we be a “Church” all by ourselves? 

In the end of “Laudato Si,” Pope Francis’ letter about caring for creation, he reminds us that 

Mary, the Mother of God, is now transfigured and in Heaven with Jesus. He writes that since 

Mary took care of Jesus as his earthly mother, she now cares for the Body of Christ in our 

world, which is the church suffering in all its members throughout the world. 

Like Mary, who is a model of compassionate love and kindness, we can care for each other 

by sharing what we have. 

Think about it:

What can we do to share what we have? 

(Example: donate clothing, sacrifice a birthday gift for a donation to a charity, donate toys or 

household items) 

How can we show kindness to others, like Mary? The following song expresses that we are 

the Body of Christ, and each one of us can show the love of Christ to others in our own unique 

way. Watch:  

Finish this lesson by completing this Exit Ticket.

EXTRA Optional Activity

Make an Everyday Acts of Kindness Bingo game and play with your family. Here is a template:

kindness activities for kids - random acts of kindness bingo

What you need: paper, pencils, crayons or markers.

  1. Decorate the Bingo sheet with images that come to mind 

    when you think about kindness: (hearts, rainbows, helping hands).

  2. In each Bingo square, write an act of kindness. Brainstorm 

    ways to be kind: Leave a square or two blanks for spontaneous acts of kindness 

    that aren’t specified on the Bingo sheet.

  3. Play with your family or check off one kind deed each day during Lent. 
