Session 10: Vocations

A vocation is God’s call to the specific plan he has for your life. God is calling us to think about how we 

love others now, and how we will love others in the future. Joy is a sign of an authentic calling.  

Types of vocations: Consecrated Life, Holy Orders, Marriage.

Today we are talking about Vocations.  The meaning of the word “vocation” has two parts. First, it 

means the universal call to holiness that each of us receives at our baptism. A vocation is the particular, 

specific way that God calls a person to live our his/her call to holiness in marriage, consecrated life, or 

ordained life

Let’s look at types of vocations. The first is marriage. In marriage a man and a woman exchange vows

that make their relationship a great sign of God’s love. First, they promise to give themselves only to

each other until death. This lifelong commitment is a reminder of God’s eternal love for us. They also

promise to accept any children that God sends as a gift. These wedding promises are the most

important part of the sacrament of Matrimony, more important than the dress, flowers, and party. The

whole purpose of marriage is to stay committed to your spouse whom you put first in your life, because

marriage isn’t just about the couple, it’s about Christ. Let’s look in the Bible: 

Ephesians 5:22-33


Think About It: What is St. Paul saying that the sacrament of marriage should mirror? Can you think of

a marriage you’ve witnessed that mirrors the love of God for humanity? 

Say: The next type of vocation is Consecrated Life. This is living as a religious sister, a nun, a religious

brother or a consecrated single person. Consecrated people promise not to get married in order to 

devote their whole attention to doing special work for God. They live a life of simplicity. Did you ever 

wonder why some nuns wear a veil? This headdress symbolizes that she is a “bride” of Christ, having

 totally devoted her life to the work of the Church. This is a lifelong commitment, like marriage. Listen 

to this woman's story about choosing Consecrated Life: 


Next, let's look at the vocation of Holy Orders:

 Catholic priests are ordained into a special sacrament called Holy Orders.  

God works through priests to do the things that Jesus did on earth before he ascended to heaven.

Priests commit themselves to the Church as their family, like Jesus did. They bring the sacraments to 

people through the power of the Holy Spirit. The absolve our sins and consecrate the bread  and wine at

Mass, and that bread and wine is transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ. Being a priest is an 

amazing vocation. Listen to this man's story about choosing Holy Orders. (He's a priest in the Diocese 

of Rockville Centre, our diocese.) 

How will you know what your vocation will be? Here are some last thoughts on how to figure it out:

Share your thoughts about this lesson in the Exit Ticket.
