Session 5: Empowered by the Spirit

Start this lesson by watching this music video: 


Think about it: While you watch, think about this question: 

  • How do I let God start a fire in my heart?


    Next, read 1Samuel 16:1-22 

    Take a moment to think about this: 

    This reading tells about God choosing David, the smallest and weakest of the sons of Jesse. 

    Just as David was anointed in the Old Testament, you will be anointed with Holy Chrism at your 

    Confirmation to prepare you for your mission that only God knows. Think about this, how will you 

    use your talents and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to show the world God’s love? 

    Let’s learn more about the Church’s Oils, watch:

    Holy Oils 101 Video


About Holy Oils 

The Oil of the Sick is used for the spiritual and physical healing of the sick. 

The Oil of Catechumens is given before an infant is baptized and is meant to strengthen and 

protect him by the power of Christ.  


The third of anointing is used in Confirmation. It is the fragrant Chrism. It is meant to

connect the candidate with Christ who was anointed for his mission as priest, prophet and king. 

During Holy Week our parish receives the Holy Oils blessed and consecrated by Bishop
Barres at St. Agnes in Rockville Centre, and we use these 
oils in our parish throughout the year. 


  • Last session we asked the question: What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how do I use them? 

    Here we will explore the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, or, what type of life will I live if I am open to the 

    Gifts of the Holy Spirit? As I am anointed and sent out to fulfill God’s mission for my life, type of 

    presence in the world will I have? When others speak of me, what qualities will they say I have? 

    Let’s look at a video that shows a creative perspective of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. 


    Let's take a closer look at the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. When we ask for and are open to receiving

    the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, then our lives can produce good fruit. What does that mean: to 

    produce good fruit? Let’s look in the Bible for more information. 


    Read: Galatians 5:19-26 

    Think about it: How is this letter challenging people to live counter culture to the 

    world? What do we need to accept from the Holy Spirit in order to “live in the Spirit?” (GIFTS OF 


    Read: Matthew 7:18 

    Think about it: What fruit is your life producing right now? What fruit do you want 

     your life to bear in the future? 


    So we understand that the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit was sent to 

    us to help us. The Holy Spirit gives us Gifts to help us live our mission for God and when we try to

    live our mission using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit we can produce the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Let’s 

    watch Part 2 of Fruits of the Holy Spirit: 


    Closing Prayer: All powerful and living Father,Pour out your Holy Spirit on us that we may be 

    strengthened to live out the call of our Baptism. Open us to be responsive to the Gifts of the 

    Holy Spirit that we may grow in knowledge and love of your Son, Jesus, become messengers 

    of the Good News, and further your kingdom here on earth. We ask this in the name of Jesus 

    Christ, who is Lord.


    Please do not leave this page without reflecting on this lesson in this digital Exit Ticket.




  1. i think in order to live in the holy spirit we have to accept everyone and not judge and make sacrifices. right now i think i am living a life of peace and in the future i would like to live a life of goodness

  2. we have to accept everyone for who they are. being different is never a bad thing

  3. Being a great spirit could be just being a great mom or dad

  4. In order to live with the holy spirit we should be respectful and treat others with kindness. We should accept everyone for who they are.

  5. In order to live in holy spirit, we should respect everyone and accept everyone who is different. Being different is never a bad thing.-Aubrie Eisfeld


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