Session 6: Option for the Poor & Vulnerable


In this lesson let's review the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, and see how they 

relate to Catholic social teaching. 

First, let’s review the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. These two humorous videos 

help us to review.  

Our Catholic Social Teaching is rooted in Scripture. Jesus taught us to be kind to others, and He

modeled kindness. 


Read this parable told by Jesus in the Gospel of Luke.


Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan 


Think about it: Who treated the wounded traveler with mercy? Why do you think the other 

people passed by the wounded traveler? Which works of mercy did the Good Samaritan show?


Doing works of mercy does not require that the person you are helping be in dire need. We may 

never know the full impact of our kind actions each day. 


Watch the reactions of people whose groceries are paid for by a kind stranger.




We can make a difference in the lives of others just by small acts of kindness every day. Share your thoughts about this lesson in the worksheet here.
