Session 6: God's Mercy & Forgiveness

Jesus is fully human and Jesus is fully God. This is a mystery. He is part of The Trinity, our belief in one God, made up of: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit

When Jesus lived on Earth, some people did not accept that He is the Son of God. These people tried to hurt Jesus. Finally, they had him arrested and put to death. However, Jesus did what He had promised. He came back to life- body and soul. We call this His Resurrection. After visiting his friends and promising them that The Holy Spirit would help them, Jesus went to heaven, body and soul! In the Bible this is called The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. The apostles, his friends, witnessed it. 

Today we are going to learn about Jesus' close friend Peter, who after the Ascension of Jesus, eventually became the first Pope- or leader of the Church. When Jesus was arrested, Peter was scared. When people asked Peter if he knew Jesus, he said no. This hurt Jesus, because Peter was his friend. 

You can read this story with your parents in your Bible-

Read John: 18: 15-18; 25-27 (After Jesus is arrested, Peter Denies he is Jesus’ friend, 3 times) You 

have to scroll down to the proper verses in the online version of the Bible. 


Below is a re-enactment of the story.  

Peter betrayed his friend Jesus by denying that he knew him when Jesus was in danger. Peter may 

have done this because he was afraid. Even so, Jesus forgave Peter because he was sorry for what 

he had done. In the last session, we learned about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Jesus gave us the

sacrament of Reconciliation so that we can know his forgiveness.

After Jesus' Resurrection, Jesus appeared to Peter and forgave him. Just like Peter 

denied knowing Jesus three times, Jesus gave Peter three opportunities to say he was sorry, by 

by asking Peter, "Do you love me?" 




Say: Jesus teaches us to forgive others through this story. Let’s listen: 

Read Luke 15: 11-32



How do you think the younger son felt? Why was it harder for the younger son to forgive his brother, 

than it was for the father to forgive? When is it hard for me to forgive?

There is no Exit Ticket for this lesson. Please complete the following instead: 

In your Google Classroom, complete “Jesus Forgives Peter” worksheet. Please scan or take a 

picture of your completed worksheet and attach it to your Level 2 Google Classroom.  

Closing Prayer: Jesus, help us to learn to love and forgive like you do. Amen.

