Session 3: Holy Spirit as Advocate


Who is the Holy Spirit and how is the Holy Spirit helping me in my life?  We call the Holy Spirit an

“advocate.” An advocate is a helper

Used as a verb, one can advocate for someone, meaning come to the person’s defense. 

Watch this short film on how the Holy Spirit is our advocate:

Read John 14: 15-20, 25-29 First scroll down to verses 15-20, then scroll down to verses 25-29. 

(Jesus promised the presence of the Holy Spirit to help the Apostles. The Holy Spirit is the third Person 

of the Holy Trinity.)

 Imagine you are in the reading as one of the Apostles. How would you feel to find out Jesus would be 

going away? 

Think about it:

Why did the Apostles need encouragement? 

In what way do you want the Holy Spirit to be an advocate for you? 


To find out more about the Holy Spirit  look up the following Scripture passages in your Breakthrough Bible, or click on the Bible links to find the readings online. (You may have to scroll down to the proper verses in the chapter.) 




Matthew 3:13-17 What does the dove in the passage symbolize? 

Another symbol of the Holy Spirit is wind. While wind is an unseen force, we can see its effects. It can 

be powerful or gentle. It cannot be controlled by humans. 

Let’s read about the Holy Spirit’s descent on the Apostles and the symbol of wind that accompanied it. 

The Apostles were hiding and afraid, but after the Holy Spirit came to them, they were strong, inspired, 


Read Acts 2:1-4. 



Think about it: From all of these readings, what have you learned about the Holy Spirit? Who is the 

Holy Spirit? Answer this question in this Exit Ticket.  


  1. Emma Rand- The holy spirit representds God. It is an invisable force that helps people make the best choices when they need help.

  2. The holy spirit is god, the holt spirit also looks out for us and always forgives us in hard times.

  3. Taylor Space - The holy spirit is God's presents. If one believes in the holy spirit, it will help them follow Jesus's ways more clearly.

  4. Danielle Messina-The holy spirit is God. We can't see the holy spirit, but the holy spirit is looking out for us.

  5. Reaghan Tully-The holy spirit represents Gods presence. It's an invisible being who's job is to guide people to make the best choices in life and it helps us when we need it.

  6. Alyna Dolan- The holy spirit is repetitive of Gods presence. It guides us through our life and helps us always do the right thing

  7. Cynthia Torre- The holy spirit is Gods presence. It's a spirit that looks out for us and guides us throughout our entire life.

  8. the Holy Spirit is gods presence with us. It guides us throughout life and helps us make good choices

  9. The holy spirit is gods presence with us. it helps us make good decisions and guides us.

  10. The holy spirit is the presence of god but it isn't a physical thing.

  11. The Holy Spirit is God presence that lives within us, guiding us.

  12. The Holy Spirit is the presence of God. He helps us make decisions

  13. The Holy Spirit is Gods presence. He is an advocate and helper who guides us to do the right thing.

  14. To me, the Holy Spirt is the presence of god when you don't se him. He is a helper and he guides into the right direction, and will always be there even when we think we don't need him.

  15. Emma Duras- The holy spirit is god who takes care of you and guides you into being a good person.

  16. The holy spirt is the pressence of god who helps us do good things

  17. God will take care of you and he will teach you to be a good person


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