Session 3: Let's Learn About The Holy Trinity


What does the word "Incarnation" mean? First try pronouncing it: In-Car-Nation.

The Incarnation means that The Son of God became a man (Jesus) to save all people. 

This is a mystery! A mystery is something that cannot be explained.  


Another part of the mystery, besides the Incarnation, is the Holy Trinity.  

The Holy Trinity means that there are three persons in one God


God the Father- Jesus called God “Father” and he taught his followers to call God “Father” too. 

God the Son- by his actions Jesus showed that he is God the Son, who became man to save all 

people. This mystery is known as the Incarnation. 

God the Holy Spirit. - Jesus asks his Father to send the Holy Spirit, who is God’s love and grace, to 

be present with us.


Now let’s read about The Holy Trinity: Parents read: Matthew 3:16-17 (At Jesus' Baptism, the presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit- three separate persons, and yet one God, is mentioned.)


In our Church calendar we have a special day to celebrate The Holy Trinity called Trinity Sunday. Trinity Sunday is celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost. Below are the readings from a Trinity Sunday Mass and a Homily for kids about The Holy Trinity.  Notice the order of the Liturgy of the Word in the video: First Reading, Psalm, Second Reading, Alleluia, Gospel, Homily. Watch: 


Practice this Memory Verse- The Glory Be. This prayer praises The Holy Trinity.

Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and 

ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


***To complete this assignment, share what you have learned in this EXIT TICKET.


For visual learners, here is an OPTIONAL craft: Trinity Triangle

Materials Needed for Trinity Triangle Craft:

  • Popsicle Sticks

  • Markers

  • School Glue or Glue Dots

  • A piece of yarn or string

Each child starts with 3 Popsicle sticks. You can either use colored Popsicle sticks, or have the kids 

color them with markers themselves.


We used red to symbolize the Holy Spirit, yellow for the Son, and blue for

 the Father.

Write “Father” “Son” “Holy Spirit” one on each Popsicle stick with a Sharpie.


Glue them together one at a time into a triangle shape.

Tie a string around it so it can hang up to remember The Trinity.


  1. i learned about God and the three persons in one God, the father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Also Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist

    1. I learned the Glory be to the father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. I also learned how important giving is and to love. So, this thanks giving be thankful for what you want to be thankful for but also be thankful for the world and how God and Jesus made it.

      Kade Castillo

  2. I learned that God is love!!! I also learned that if you don't believe in God or if you make bad choices, God is always reaching out for you.

  3. I learned that there are three people in one god.I also learned that if you don't believe in god you make bad choices.


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