The Beatitudes and All Saints Day

Dear Students, 

Everyone knows that Halloween is October 31st, but how many people know that November 1st is All Saints Day? All Saints Day is a day in which we remember all the saints who are in the presence of God in Heaven, especially those whose sainthood is only known to God. Catholics attend Mass on All Saints Day. 

The following Gospel reading is read on All Saints Day at Mass. The Beatitudes can be defined as advice from Jesus on how to find true happiness and live life well. They are a teaching given by Jesus during his Sermon on the Mount. Read the Gospel below, substituting the word "Happy" for "Blessed." 

Invite a parent to read with you from this Bible Link: Matthew 5:1-12

Then, discuss with a parent the following questions: What struck me about this Gospel reading? How did Jesus' words make me feel?

Saints are people who strive to live the Beatitudes. Let's look at this video below to better understand the Beatitudes.  

All Saints Day Activity: 

1. Research a saint that interests you, or a saint that has your name. Go to: and choose a saint that you would like to know more about. If you have books at home about the saints, use them. 
2. Make a list of facts about the Saint's life. 
3. In a few sentences, tell why you admire the Saint you chose and which Beatitude he or she followed. 

Presentation Choices (choose one)

If you like to write: 
Write 2 paragraphs about the Saint. Paragraph one should tell 2-3 facts about his or her life. 
Paragraph 2 should explain why you admire him or her, and which Beatitudes he or she followed. Include a picture of your saint with your paragraphs. 

If you like Drama-
Create a 1-2 minute video telling about the Saint's life and why you admire him or her.  In the Introduction to your video, write which Beatitude the saint you chose followed. Try to include a picture of the Saint in your video (optional).

If you like to Draw
Draw a picture of the Saint you chose and write three facts about his or her life. Tell why you admire him or her and which Beatitude he or she followed. 

Whichever format you choose: 
Put your name on your work and write "OK to Post" if you'd like me to share your work on this blog or in the bulletin. 

Submit Your Work: Upload to your Faith Formation Google Classroom. 

Below is an example of a video I made as a model for you to use. I made this video using the iMovie App on my phone. 


Introduction To My Video: The Saint I researched is Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. She lived the Beatitudes by always trusting God. She was humble and "poor in spirit." She gave up her lifestyle to help the poor, converted to Catholicism despite social criticism, always turning to God for help in trust. St. Elizabeth remembered the Beatitude: "Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied." 


EXTRA LESSON FUN: This next activity is an extra for you. It is not mandatory, but I thought you might be interested in printing it out and playing this card game as a family. It follows the rules of Old Maid. The game was created by Katie at Beatitude Saint Card Game Here's an idea: play it on Halloween instead of Trick or Treating while feasting on a bowl of candy. 


  1. i sent the video explaining why i like saint christopher

  2. I drew a picture of the saint I choose

  3. I sent paragraphs about the saint I chose. Kelly Graf
    do not publish

  4. I submitted my 2 paragraphs on St. Padre Pio

  5. Gods words made me feel happy and thankful. - Roy Ricci

  6. I drew a picture. - Roy Ricci

  7. I drew a picture of Saint Brendan. 3 facts of him are, he became a monk at age 10, he sailed, and then became the leader of the monks. I admire him because my brother’s name is also Brendan.


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