Session 1: God is Faithful and Asks for Our Faithfulness
In this lesson we will learn about Adam & Eve's disobedience, Abram's faithfulness, and the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are the rules God gave the Israelites to remain faithful to Him and to each other. This lesson focuses on the Old Testament in the Bible.
Let's talk about faithfulness and look at the rules God gave us to help us love one another and remain faithful to Him: The Ten Commandments. The Bible shows us that people have been distancing themselves from God from the beginning of history by making poor choices. However, God made a sacred promise, or "covenant" with humans that he will always love them and be with them no matter what.
PARENTS: First, read aloud Genesis 3.
Discuss: What is your reaction to the story about Adam and Eve?
The poor choice that Adam and Eve made in the Garden of Eden is referred to as “Original Sin.” Rather
than trust God, they disobeyed his one request.
Even though Adam and Eve had to leave the garden as a result of their sin, God still loved them deeply. He promised them salvation (forgiveness). Jesus the Son of God brought that salvation to the human race by dying on the cross to forgive our sins. Before Jesus was born, God the Father made a covenant (sacred promise) with one of the descendants of Adam and Eve: Abram. Let’s listen.
PARENTS Read aloud Genesis 12:1-8: Abram’s Call and Journey and God’s Promise to Abram
Genesis 15:1-5, and verse 18; Genesis 17:5-9 and verse 15; Genesis 21:1-3
NOTE: If they have their Bibles, have the students highlight or underline God’s words and Abram's
words in the text.
Discuss: What did God promise Abram? What quality does God reward?
Now let’s take a look at the rules God gave humans to stay faithful to him and love one another:
The Ten Commandments. The first three commandments teach us how to love God. They tell us
to believe in God and to treat his name with respect. They tell us to love God by keeping one day a
week holy. This means going to Mass on Sunday. The next seven commandments teach us how to
love others. They tell us to obey our parents, to tell the truth, to never take other people’s things,
and to never hurt someone else. Following the Ten Commandments will prepare us to live with
God forever in Heaven.
Read Exodus 20:1-21 (The Ten Commandments)
Faith Words Vocabulary:
Covenant - a sacred promise or agreement between God and humans
Faithful- to be constant and loyal in your commitments to God and others, just as he is faithful to you.
Original Sin- the sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve which led to the sinful condition of the human race from its beginning.
Salvation- the loving action of God’s forgiveness of sins and the restoration of friendship with him brought by Jesus.
What is adultery?
In the sacrament of marriage a husband and wife make a sacred promise, (or covenant between each other and with God), to remain faithful and loyal to one another in a unique way. If one of the spouses breaks that promise, then he or she is deeply hurting his or her spouse.
the second commandment is don't curse
ReplyDeleteI learned all of the ten Commandments.
ReplyDeleteWhy did the Serpent tell the Woman to eat the fruit off of the tree?
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, it seems that the serpent (who is evil) wants to convince the person that she doesn't need to trust and rely on God.
DeleteDo not lie is so important
ReplyDeleteI learned we were born with original sin.
ReplyDeleteI learned that Abraham was given a sacred covenant by God.