Session 1: Care of Creation


Today we are going to review the story of creation in the Bible and then we are going to discuss

 the ways we as Catholics respond to the special-ness of being human. First, let’s look at what

 Scripture says about the world God gave us. If you have not yet picked up your Catholic

 Student Bible, click on the links to the Bible passages. Remember to scroll down to the

 proper verse numbers. (First number is chapter, second number is verse or "line.")

Read: Psalm 8:2, 4-10 “Divine Majesty and Human Dignity”


Think about it: 

Where do you see God’s awesomeness in the world? 

Read Genesis 2:4-25 God creates man in His image and likeness. God gives the man a beautiful garden and asks him to take care of it. 


Think about it:

What do you think it means to be made “in God’s image and likeness?”

Why do you think God asked Adam to take care of the garden and name all the creatures in it? 


As humans, and as Catholics, we respond to God’s love and care by appreciating the gifts He 

has given us. We are loving toward each other because we are made in God’s image and

 we are sacred. We take care of nature because it is God’s amazing gift to us. The way that

 we respond to God’s love is summarized in Catholic Social Teaching. Let’s take a look at

 Catholic doctrine or rules, on how to treat others and our environment. 


Watch the following video about the Pillars of Catholic Social Teaching:

We are focusing this year on care of our planet. Pope Francis thinks this idea is so important

that he wrote a letter (also called an encyclical) about our responsibility to care for our planet.

The letter is called Laudato Si, (On Care for Our Common Home). 

Watch the video below that explains the letter.

God gave us a home on Earth. He wants all creatures to have a home. God created a cycle

 of life for the Earth. There are parts of that cycle that are not fully visible to us, but without

 them we would not exist. Take, for instance, the air we breathe. The water cycle is vital to

 all life on Earth. All life on Earth is part of an intricate balance, a community that needs 

one another to survive. That’s amazing and beautiful!


Finish with this link: Three Minute Retreat from Loyola Press about God's Creation!


Please complete the Reflection Questions attached to this lesson in your Level 6 Google Classroom.  


  1. 1) I think it means to be made in God’s likeness is like our moral qualities and beliefs are like God’s. I think God creates man in his image means the image he has for himself and the different qualities we all have.
    2) I think God asked Adam to take care of the garden and name all of the creatures in it because God gave Adam intelligence and Adam did not sin yet so his mind was still the way God had created it.
    3) I see God‘s awesomeness in the world everywhere around me. Especially in the beautiful colors in the sky and the cute animals.
    4) I see people mistreat our common home planet earth by littering our oceans and killing our animals. We can reverse the damage by cleaning our oceans and recycling.
    Isabel Sanchez level 6

  2. 1. I think it means to be made in God’s image and likeness is who we are. God made us not for perfection, but who we are today. We are all special in our own way and that's how god created us.
    2. I think God asked Adam to take care of the garden and name all the creatures in it because God thought Adam was a good person and he saw the good qualities of him.
    3. I see God's awesomeness in the world everywhere I go. He gave us the world and all the good people and good things in it.
    4. I see the earth being mistreated when people litter, when they build new factories that pollute the air and forests are being ripped down. We can reverse this by doing good to the earth. Pick up littered trash, clean the oceans and recycling.
    Charlotte Passamonte level 6

    1. I think God's image and likeness is us to be in Harmony and peace with one another despite what we might think of each pther.

  3. 1. I think to be made in God's image and likeness means that everyone and everything are unique. There are certain qualities and characteristics that not only God sees and loves in us, but should be appreciated by all of us, that's what makes us all special and different.
    2. I think God asked Adam to take care of the garden and to name all of the creatures because God saw all of the good qualities in him and how good of a person he was.
    3. I see God’s awesomeness everywhere. I see it in my family, my friends, the beach, and even the pretty sunsets that have the coolest colors.
    4. People mistreat our home by littering, and vandalizing. We can reverse that damage by cleaning up litter, and we can stop vandalizing by repainting walls and being even more strict with people that do it. If people don't stop vandalizing then maybe they will get punished because they are destroying someone else's property.

  4. 1. I think to be made in God's image and likeness is to love and take care of people and the earth with kindness. God loves us and we need to give back and show that in our actions.
    2.God asked Adam to take care of the garden and name all the creatures in it because he trusted that he would walk in his footsteps and not vandalize it and ruin it.
    3. I see God’s awesomeness in the world in the sunset and the waves crashing on the shore and in my family.
    4.People mistreat our common home- planet Earth by vandalizing it, littering it and polluting it by littering. The steps can we take to reverse that damage is to clean up after ourselves and not take things for granted. Shut off the water when we are not using it and walk or bike if we can instead of drive.
    Robert Gerkens Level 6

  5. I learned that cell phones cause noise pollution and is ruining our earth

  6. 1. I think that it means you are blessed and appreciated by God.
    2. I think that he trusted Adam because God thought he was trustworthy and believed he was a good person. He named all of the creatures because he belived in him and wanted him to destroy the garden.
    3. I see God's awesomeness when someone helps a older person cross the street. This shows that God has created a person who is kind and respectful to someone who may not be cabable of doing something.
    4. People mistreat the Earth when companies use too much oil and that causes the greenhouse gasses that heat the Earth. When this happens icebergs melt causing many polar bears to die.

  7. 1. I think it means that in God's eyes you are loved.
    2. God trusted Adam To not ruin his garden and walk in it and care for it with care.
    3.I see gods awesomeness everywhere in the world
    4. People mistreat earth by littering. We can change this by when we see litter we pick it up and help people become more aware regarding litter

  8. Kade Castillo
    Question 1: I think to be in God's image means to take care of everything around us.
    Question 2: I think God asked Adam to take care of the garden and name all of the animals in it so that he could respect God's creations.
    Question 3: I see God's awesomeness when I see the baby turtles hatch in my back yard or someone taking care of a sick or needy person.
    Question 4: People disrespect our home planet by polluting waters, sound pollution and hurting animals' habitats. We can help this by recycling and reducing our waste.

  9. 1.God loves everyone for who there are
    2.God left Adam in the garden because he knew Adam would take care of them
    3.People donating clothes and food
    4.People throw trash on the ground and there are people who pick it up
    Kathryn Hatzidakis

  10. I learned about Laudato S

  11. I learned about Laudato Si and the threats we are giving to our common home, Earth

  12. 1. God loves everyone and made everyone unique 2. I think gad asked adam to take care of the garden and name the animals in the garden because he trusted him 3. everywhere, in a forest, in a field, everywhere. 4. people throw plastic in the ocean, garbage on the side of streets, the air pollution, over hunting animals, and more sadly.


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