Confirmation Session 1: Invitation

God often has conversations with the characters of the Old Testament. In modern times, God invites us to be his children in more subtle ways, or are they subtle? Perhaps we are not looking in the right places to recognize God's movement in our lives. The video at the end of this lesson explains the deep meaning and the grace imparted during the Sacrament of Baptism.

Let's take a closer look at God’s invitation to us to be his children. God makes a solemn promise

(covenant)with humans in The Bible, promising his presence and his faithfulness.

He gives us his grace, which is a share in his own life. Grace helps us to respond to God’s call

that first happened when we were baptized. God invites us to be a part of his family and 

promises us his grace. We, in turn, promise to reject sin and be faithful to God the Father, 

God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

In the conversation with Jeremiah in the Old Testament, God speaks about his covenant 

with His people.

Let’s take a look: 

 Read: Jeremiah 31:31-34

How might water symbolize God’s mercy and 

forgiveness? Is there a connection?  

Next read: John 1:1-11

Think about these readings by completing 

this worksheet linked HERE


Baptism is much more than just a simple 

ceremony. In the onsite session we would 

have watched the following GREAT video about Baptism:



  1. This video helped me to see all the symbolic things that happen at Baptism. I did not realize that white symbolized purity. I also did not realize that the water symbolized both destruction and life. I also now realize the my confirmation is the continuation of what began as a baby at Baptism.


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