At-Home Faith Enrichment: Pentecost & The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit makes it possible to do the impossible for God. That same Holy Spirit that came to the Apostles at Pentecost is waiting to intercede in our lives.

In the weeks, months and years following Jesus' resurrection from the dead, the early church formed and grew in spite of great danger and against all odds, because the Holy Spirit strenghened and informed the early Christians. The same Holy Spirit is alive and at work in the world in this moment.

A study of the formation of the early church is inspiring for the whole family. The stories of the first Christians and the amazing acheivements of the Apostles, many of whom were simple, ordinary people, gives us hope in the knowledge of God's great love for us. The Holy Spirit is waiting to guide our lives as well!

The first moments of the Apostles' spiritual lives following the crucifiction and resurrection of Jesus was lived in fear and hiding, despite the fact that they were Jesus' closest friends, and that the resurrected Jesus had visited them. It wasn't enough to give them the power to complete their missions for God. When they received the Holy Spirit, however, strength, courage, and unshakable inner peace took root in their hearts and they were able to step out in faith before the whole world in order to spread the Gospel.

These programs on chronicle the Acts of the Apostles,  (for elementary age children):

The Messengers: The Birth of the Early Church

The Messengers: To Every Nation

(FORMED.ORG parish code is XZHKBF. Use this code to create a username and password of your own.)

Explore the Meaning of the Holy Spirit (ADVANCED LEVEL)
This video, also on, is more appropriate for advanced middle school, high school students and adults. It's from a series about the Holy Spirit called The Wild Goose:

Breath of God

The following video on is geared towards parents/catechists. It's a great talk about Pentacost by Dr. Mary Healy. Dr. Healy spoke at the last Diocese of Rockville Centre Catechetical Congress, an annual event for all catechists in our area.

Clothed with Power- from the series "Lectio Evangelization"

Explore the Meaning of The Holy Spirit (EASIER LEVEL)
These video clips are geared towards upper elementary school age chidlren, middle schoolers, high schoolers, and adults. The first is is a dramazation of Jesus' Assension into Heaven and Pentecost from Acts of the Apostles. It's awesome. The second is more of an explanation of Pentecost and The Holy Spirit.

Family Discussion Question: 
The moment I receive the sacrament of Confirmation is my own personal Pentecost. What can I do in my own life to deepen my faith and reflect the face of Jesus to the world with the help of the Holy Spirit? 


  1. I can deepen my faith by helping other people and doing things for others that will make them happy.

  2. I can deepen my faith by helping my mom


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