L9 Confirmation At-Home Learning: "The Power of the Holy Spirit"

YDisciple - Confirmation

YDisciple is part if a Confirmation program created by Augustine Institute available on Formed.org. It is organized as a series of talks with pauses for discussion, meant to be used as a supplemental resource. The speakers are dynamic and interesting. Here is the link to the series of videos. As you watch each video, consider the discussion questions below. Tell us your thoughts in a comment. 

Don't have a Formed account? Use our parish code: XZHKBF to create a username and password of your own. 

*Watch: The Power of the Holy Spirit with Steven Pries

*Discuss: Who is the Holy Spirit? How does the Spirit work in our lives and in the life of the Church? Why is it so important that we know and love him? Am I ready to receive the Holy Spirit in Confirmation? What can I do to prepare my heart for this grace I will receive? 

*Watch: The Holy Spirit in Scripture with Scott Powell

*Discuss: What are the misconception about the Sacrament of Confirmation? 

*Watch: Moved to Mission with Paul George

*Discuss: What is the mission of the church and how do I play a part in that mission? 

*Watch: The Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit with Gina Bauer

*Discuss: How do I use the gifts of the Holy Spirit in my life? 

*Watch: The Rite of Confirmation with Everett Fritz

*Discuss: Talk about the deeper meaning of the signs and symbols within the liturgy at the Rite of Confirmation.
